Thursday, 18 June 2015

Clean 9 day 4- muscle ache!

I can certainly feel yesterday's kettlebell workout in my quads, glutes & hamstrings. I'm walking round like an old lady this morning.

I had an absolutely appalling nights sleep last night. I woke at 1am and really struggled to get back to sleep.  By rights I should be feeling awful today but I don't & I think that may be the aloe Vera gel working its magic- hurrah!

I'm growing fresh herbs- basil, mint & coriander- in my kitchen to add flavour to my evening meals. The fresh mint tastes gorgeous in a glass of water and absolutely divine as a tea. 

I was in an absolutely foul mood this evening & desperately wanted a glass of wine and a bar of chocolate but I stayed strong. 

Dinner was a salad of free veg plus olives, cheese and avocado. 

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